MailChimp Integrates Facebook Ads with Email Marketing


From our extensive research and testing, MailChimp is the best email marketing platform for businesses to utilise within their marketing strategy. The main reason why we found MailChimp to be a compelling choice for email marketers is its thorough collection of out-of-the-box integrations with third party applications, such as Shopify. The ability to integrate with third party applications means that it can give marketers a better understanding of their customer bases and campaign performance, which then helps them learn how to convert messaging to sales. It was recently announced that MailChimp is furthering their exhaustive collection of integrations even more so by launching a 'Facebook Ads' product.

The concept behind the introduction of Facebook Ads on MailChimp is that it is designed to help the company’s 15 million users build an audience by using display advertising. A free add-on, the Facebook Ads product lets MailChimp users choose a Facebook audience to target, budget campaigns, and track results data within the MailChimp dashboard. With a simpler and faster ad creative process than that of Facebook Ads, beta testers have described MailChimp’s new feature as ‘really simple’ and ‘ridiculously fast’, which has made our busy Social Media team extremely excited.


The Details

MailChimp announced the new news in the most MailChimp way, through an email newsletter, along with a company blog post and a very captivating promotional video. Within the newsletter it stated that from the beginning of February, users will be able to build an audience by utilising Facebook Ads through MailChimp. The new Facebook ad integration is an effective and alternative way for marketers to drive sales to businesses and provides MailChimp’s clients an alternative outlet to attract, engage with, and to sell to more than 1.79 billion Facebook users. This can be done in three different ways: by targeting a MailChimp email list, by combining the MailChimp email list with a Facebook audience segment, or by targeting a Facebook audience segment alone

The new system even seems to be able to provide its users with a better and more in-depth analytics system regarding the performance of ads. This includes unique features such as the number of sales generated by a single ad as well as how many new customers you have gained and the overall ROI of each individual advert. As much as analysing clicks, engagement and reach are important metrics to understand, we all want to see sales results at the end of the day and MailChimp provides such statistics for you.

Want to know the best part? It won’t cost you a penny extra! MailChimp have stated they will take absolutely nothing more from its users to use the integration, and all your money will remain solely for ad spend.


Marketing all in one place

MailChimp have built the integration with the user experience in mind as it means that you can focus on campaigns all within the email marketing platform. Theoretically, you could log into Facebook Ad’s Manager tool and begin trying to reach a new audience, as the new integration doesn’t give users new marketing capabilities. However, the integration lets MailChimp users manage their Facebook campaigns without having to leave the email marketing tool, and it lets them combine MailChimp lists with Facebook selected audience segments.

“Using MailChimp’s intelligent segmentation to target recent customers or active subscribers, businesses can quickly create lookalike audiences in Facebook,” says John Foreman, VP of Product Management at MailChimp. “There’s no more guessing at who to target your ads to. We integrate with Facebook’s data science models to make customer acquisition smart and easy.”

When you combine this convenience with MailChimp’s existing customer relationship management and e-commerce incorporation, to name just a few of the email marketing platforms proficiencies, MailChimp is clearly hoping to make its tool the only tool for marketing professionals. After all, the fewer sites you have to click to, the better.

MailChimp isn't the first to discover Facebook advertising gives marketers an easy way to target and reach particular audiences. It just wants to make it easier to connect MailChimp with Facebook.

Check out their new video for a look at the ways this new feature can help grow your business.

Are you looking for assistance on your latest digital marketing strategy or social media marketing? Get in touch with UNBXD today. We look forward to hearing from you!
