7 Reasons You Need Video Content to Showcase Your Business


This year has seen the rise of video content, in fact 2016 has seen a full-on video revolution year for marketers. This year has seen the introduction of Facebook Live, Instagram Stories and apps like Periscope interplaying on social channels. The importance of video content has clearly been becoming extremely popular to use by businesses. According to Wyzowl statistics, 61% of businesses have incorporated video as a marketing tool but 66% of these companies were not using video a year ago. The trend has progressed rapidly and will eventually be explored even more in depth and become even more creative. As you can see, having a promotional video that tells a compelling story is vital for your business and company’s needs due to the rapidly growing trend.

Lets go over the top 7 reasons why your company needs video content to showcase your business:

Creates and Delivers a Companies Persona & Tells a Story

The most achievable and effective video content businesses and companies can build is one that creates and delivers a companies persona. Videos are such a bold and visual medium, which sometimes may mean that you can lose track of what your message actually is. It can even be easy to steer away unintentionally from your brand’s persona. Yet, it is extremely effective to build a video, which shows your brand in its best light and even the story behind it. This will really cement your brand’s visual image into your viewers’ mind as you engage them. By keeping to your brands persona, values and sharing the story it can help the consumer connect on a more emotional level with your brand.

A great example of a brand that successfully told their compelling brand story and ignited their consumers emotions is Burberrys advert that told ‘The Tale Of Thomas Burberry’. The short film was inspired by the pioneering discoveries of the founder of Burberry (Thomas Burberry), which entails the reimagining of key events that have shaped Burberry’s history. The short film reinforces Burberry’s heritage and cleverly brings Thomas Burberry back to life. Again, by bringing the person who created the phenomenal brand to life shows the power humanising your content has. As I mentioned in our Branding blog post, brands are increasingly turning to the people behind the brand itself to represent it, as a human connection creates a strong and emotional bond.

Sparks Engagement

Video marketing is a great solution to strengthen your marketing efforts. More importantly, viewers engage with video increasingly more than they do with text or photos making video a frontrunner in any marketing strategy. Video is the best way to educate and inform potential prospects about your company and business. Not only this, video is more likely to engage us because it ignites emotions and thus is extremely helpful in the customer decision making process. It is also possible to strike an emotional chord and subconsciously tell customers how they should feel about an item. According to Insivia, the average user is exposed to an average of 32.3 videos in a month and 1/3 of online activity is spent watching video. After all, youtubers have become the most powerful social media figure to promote brands, which in itself screams the importance and success of video content.

Showcases Products and Services in their best light

Another great reason why your business needs promotional videos or video content is that it can showcase your products and services in their best light. Videos have the ability to convey an incredible amount of information very quickly. Demonstrating a product’s capabilities works especially well if your products capabilities are superior to other similar products. Although it may be easy to write out your products specifications or your services, these details can easily be lost by a customer or forgotten. Therefore, having a video to showcase this instead will be much more advantageous. You can take many routes with showcasing your product and services. You could demonstrate the product itself with all its beauty or go for a instructional or tutorial route. Either way, a customer will definitely engage with it more than reading some text. According to Insivia, after a customer watches a video they are 64% more likely to buy a product online after watching a video. Therefore, showcasing products and services in a video are extremely beneficial for your business/company.

Sales Results and SEO

The biggest and most important reason why businesses are beginning to employ video content/promotional videos is due to the sales results and conversion. Videos, and in particular product videos, can have an incredible ability to increase conversions by better helping people understand your product and provide customers with as much information as possible about the products you offer. Video can also lead directly to sales. As described above, Insivia have found that a customer is 64% more likely to buy a product after watching a video.

Another great reason why your business should employ video content is because Google loves it - and having a well optimised video is 50 times more likely to show up on the first page of Google (or other search engines). Having product videos gives you an increased chance of ranking, especially if none of your competition is using video in their stores and for products. In addition, research also shows that Google favours and prioritises sites with video, which again means have product videos or even promotional videos will give you a greater chance of ranking in search engines.

Competitive Advantage

Studies show that 60% of the content that people access online is video content, yet only 3% of businesses actually have a video on their website. This is a huge opportunity for businesses to separate themselves from their competition by offering more engaging content. According to Ignite Digital Strategy, globally 80% of all internet traffic in 2019 will be video. Therefore, the competition is set to be strongly increasing.

Encourages Social Shares and Appeals To All Users

Social networks also encourage video content with their new features. Facebook has introduced live video streaming, Instagram has employed stories, Twitter has periscope and Youtube is the second most popular social network in the world. In the context of social media, however, people are only like to share your video if it evokes emotion, not facts. 76% of users say that they would share a branded video with their friends if it was entertaining. So create fun and entertaining videos to encourage social shares. Emotions aren’t exactly ROI but social shares can increase traffic to your site, and you can take it from there. According to Insivia, the most popular form of video content is 31% music, 39% comedy and 33% News. As long as it is something that people can engage with and will provoke emotion, you will secure social shares and drive more traffic.

Lastly, another reason why you should employ video content is because that it appeals to all users including mobile. Video and mobile go hand in hand. From 2012 to 2014, mobile video views have increased by 400%. Youtube have even reported that mobile video consumption rises every year by 100%. Since people like to watch videos on the go, and the amount of smartphone users is growing, your video audience is getting bigger and bigger. In addition, Google has said that smartphone users are twice as likely than TV viewers and 1.4 times more likely as desktop viewers to feel a sense of personal connection to brands that show video content or ads on their devices. That being said, brands need to be sensitive to the personal experience people have on their smartphones. For example, give them a better choice in the video content they consume.

At UNBXD, we believe that moving image is a fantastic way to visually represent your brand and we always encourage the use of dynamic content.

If you'd be interested in using our services, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team today!

Here's an example of our latest promotional video for Prime Burger Company in Yeovil:
