Team Behind the Screen: Mike O'Mara


Introducing Mike. A fantastic Web Developer, from London now living in Bournemouth.

We sat down for a catch up with Mike, one of our fantastic Web Developers, to chat about his time at UNBXD so far, life outside of work and all the things that have inspired him in-between.

What is your role at UNBXD?

I am a Web Developer at UNBXD.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I'm a Londoner living in Bournemouth, I cycle most weekends taking pictures of anything and everything along the way.


What excites you most about your industry?

One thing I'm intrigued about is how hosting providers are coping with the ever growing world that is the web.

"90% of world's data has been generated over last two years" -

As time goes on, we will have to come up with more ingenious solutions to solve the problem.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Growing up I wasn't really sure what I wanted to be when I was older. I've always had a keen interest in aviation, more specifically flying airplanes.

Mac or PC?


How do you keep your skills sharp?

I'm quite a keen follower of SEO and web forums as well as keeping an eye on the competition and design trends.
