Posts tagged social media
Ukraine: How Social Media is Being Harnessed For Good During Russia's Invasion

We are sure you are all aware of the terrible situation happening to the people of Ukraine. On behalf of everyone on the team, we are truly devastated at Putin's actions, and we are distraught and sorry to the people of Ukraine that this is happening.

Today we wanted to explain to those in Marketing why social Media platforms are leaving Russia, or why Russia is blocking them. We also wanted to outline the incredible ways people in Ukraine are using Social Media to spread important information and keep others safe.

We also ask that you take the time and read through some of our suggestions on how you can help linked at the bottom of this article. Many places across the UK are taking in essentials for those fleeing Ukraine, and we recommend (if you can) picking up a few extra items at the supermarket or going through your closet to see if there is anything you can donate. If you don't have these options locally, we have provided a list of reputable and trustworthy organisations below that can take donations.

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Introducing ClubHouse, Is This The Next Big Social Network?

Part talkback radio, part phone conversation, part Houseparty, Clubhouse is an audio-chat-based social networking app.

Users can listen to discussions, interviews and debates between fascinating people on a range of subjects – it's almost like listening to a podcast, except live and with an additional element of exclusivity.

The clubhouse is invite-only. You can't just download it from the app store and create an account, and you've got to be invited to join the current participant. When you register, you could pick topics of interest, such as technology, books, business or health. The more information you provide the app about your preferences, the more chat rooms and individuals the app will recommend to follow or join.

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TikTok: Disrupting The Social Media World

There is no doubt that TikTok is probably the hottest social networking app at the moment. Out of the 2020 ashes, a new form of social media opened the way for internet culture, education, and activism.

TikTok is a video-based social media app of unusual integrity and growing cultural impact, which demonstrates a rare potential for meaningful social change by transforming social media space. The app has been downloaded more than 1 billion times worldwide, stood on top of the "most downloaded iOS app" list for five consecutive quarters, and became a window into modern youth culture. It has proved to be more than a fad or a fluke, and its continuing success shows a few fascinating things about how social media is evolving: meme-driven, highly customised and personalised algorithms, and free from real-life connections.

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Keeping up with the Bakers: A Revolutionary Marketing Campaign

Inevitably 2017 was set to be a very competitive year for businesses with technology, culture and trends always evolving. With augmented and virtual reality flourishing and Facebook and Instagram introducing their own version of Snapchat, the ability to market brands and businesses online is growing and as a result, Marketers are finding they have more tools to utilise. As an outcome, it is becoming much more competitive in the business world and we are seeing many more innovative and inspirational marketing campaigns publicised. And today is a very exciting day for us Marketers as we have seen the most innovative and revolutionary marketing campaign that uses all three means of content (video, technology and social media) unveiled.

The British luxury clothing brand Ted Baker, who is renowned for its quirky and creative campaigns, has raised the bar for brands and put themselves ahead of the competition with their new marketing campaign. Setting itself apart from ad campaigns consisting of “big headline fashion photographers and celebrities” is as integral to Ted Baker as its smart dresses and quirky styling. And the fashion brand, well-known for its unorthodox take on marketing, is continuing that charge with the launch of a new comedy sitcom.

And this is by far the most innovative and inspirational marketing campaign of 2017 to date.

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TripAdvisor Releases new Subscription Service for Restaurants

TripAdvisor is the home to 435 million reviews and opinions, 150 million + unique monthly restaurant visitors and 4.1 million restaurants listed around the world. Although they love customers to have their own opinion on a fair and review basis, TripAdvisor also love to build relationships with restaurants too and this has become more prominent from their new features that they have introduced.

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Everything You Need to Know About How Content Marketing is Changing

Since 2010, content marketing has been one of the fastest-evolving aspects of marketing. From what’s being written, to where and how it’s published, businesses are constantly reformulating how they engage possible customers through using content and keeping it varied. 

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Why and How Instagram Has Not Killed Snapchat Yet?

It has been four months since the launch of Instagram Stories in August 2016, which sent the internet into a huge hysteria and speculation over the future of Snapchat. To everyone who is on social media, the latest update of Instagram seemed eerily similar to the social networking app Snapchat with 30 million monthly active users. In fact, the update wasn’t just eerily similar, it’s the exact same as Snapchat. Therefore, the hysteria and speculation was with good reason too as Instagram had pretty much replicated one of the main features of Snapchat and added it to their online photo sharing social network platform. Instagram has 500 million monthly active users is clearly hoping that there newly introduced ‘Stories’ will help them steal the Snapchat audience with its nearly identical upgrade.

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Everything You Need To Know About Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a computer technology that replicates an environment, real or imagined, and simulates a user's physical presence and environment to allow for user interaction. Virtual realities artificially create sensory experience, which can include sight, touch, hearing, and smell.

VR is not just for games! It's is a piece of technology that will be taking the world by storm and applied across a huge range of industries in the next few years. Revenues from VR products are expected to increase from $90 million to... $5.2 Billion by 2018! It is also forecast that by 2018 the number of active VR users is to reach 171 million.

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Top Social Media Tactics Of 2016 (So far...)

In the growing social media environment accessed every day via online platforms, the ways in which audiences consume content is consistently changing. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat are leading the race in terms of developing social media tactics to attract consumers, and those using social networks to create an online presence can take advantage of these methods in order to create a brand and attract specific demographics. However, there are some social media tactics that stand out more than others – innovating the way we use social media today.

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